Back to School Fashions

by Melanie Abramoff & Aya Diaz

The first day back to school can be a bummer. However, it is a great way to show off your style for the new year! This year, back to school fashions include sundresses, flowy crop tops, maxi skirts, and the classic long sleeved top with shorts. You can pair a cute sundress with a cardigan to make your colors in the dress pop. Florals are very trendy right now, so go ahead and throw on your favorite floral outfit! Back to school is also a merge into fall fashions. So, you can wear a cute long sleeved top with boots. However, if it is too hot to wear jeans, just pair it with some shorts and a cute statement necklace. A very trendy back to school fashion is subtle maxi dresses paired with a colorful tank or shirt. You can also reverse this pattern and wear a subtle top with a patterned skirt. This is very bohemian and super cute. Another trend for this year is flowy tops with the cut of the bottom of the shirt to be higher in the front of the shirt and lower in the back of the shirt.  It creates a contrast of lengths and a cute effect. This flowy button down is simply paired with some short boots and a statement necklace. Did you have a cute back to school outfit? Share it! Email it to the charger staff at and we may put it on the fashion blog!

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